Recruiting Strategy

This Common Recruiting Approach May Mean Jail Time – An Alert

Anti-poaching agreements are illegal

If you’re one of many firms that have used no-poach recruiting agreements, realize that jail time may be in your future. Last month, many were shocked when they learned that, on top of the millions in civil penalties historically levied against firms like Google, Apple, Intel, and Pixar, three Texas …

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Recruiting Lessons From The Super Bowl

Recruiting lessons from the super bowl

Examining how Super Bowl teams recruit will provide corporate leaders with valuable lessons on how to improve their recruiting. The first is avoiding candidate generalizations. Yes, many of the candidate generalizations routinely made by hiring managers covering age, experience, and college backgrounds would be laughed at by NFL recruiters. For …

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2020 vs 2021 – What If 2020 Was The Good One?

Note: This “think piece” is designed to stimulate your thinking about the 2021 job market. If you’re considering a job search, you may be shocked to learn that the 2021 job market may be worse than our current dismal one. Of course, I realize that few want to hear negative …

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Only Hire Self-Motivated People – The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Hire the self-motivated. The gift that keeps on giving.

Nothing eases a remote work team manager’s burden, where close supervision is difficult, more than only hiring self-motivated people. I recommend that during this troubled time when managers are so busy, recruiters commit to easing their burden by helping them hire technically qualified candidates who are also self-motivated.

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CEO Calls – The Most Effective Recruiting Closing Tool

CEO phone call to recruit candidates.

A CEO’s call is the top offer closing tool because it makes the candidate feel like they will have a continuing CEO relationship. So, why not utilize the influence power of your CEO when you have a “must-have” candidate that’s working in “an impossible to fill functional area.” This approach …

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