Recruiting Strategy

Survive The Continuing Chaos By Hiring JIT Learners

During 2020 we’ve endured numerous chaotic problems, and because most were unprecedented, rapid learning became the first step in overcoming them. Almost everyone agrees that if you had to describe the year 2020 with a single word, it would likely be “unprecedented.” And that means that the problems that keep …

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Hyper-Personalization – The Most Effective No-Cost Way To Impress Candidates

Personalized recruiting to attract top candidates

Hyper-personalizing is the most effective no-cost way to impress candidates. It adds small personalized touches to make them feel special. Unfortunately, many recruiting organizations make candidates feel like they are “no more than a number” during down economic times. An alternative approach, that I call “hyper-personalized candidate actions,” can improve …

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Discourage Applications From People You Will Never Hire

Discourage applications to find qualified candidates and stop wasting recruiter time.

Are you flooded with unqualified applicants that have no chance of being hired? Proactively discourage them and avoid wasted recruiter time and legal risks. Due to record high unemployment levels during this unprecedented downturn, most organizations are being bombarded with applications. Unfortunately, many of these applicants have no chance of …

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Is Your HR Function Strategic? – Take This Quick Assessment Test

Any Questions. Questions about HR strategy. Source Pixabay

Every HR function strives “to be strategic.” To actually qualify, I’ve found that all HR leaders need to be able to answer these 6 qualifying “Questions From Hell,” with the same consistent answers. Also, realize that simply having a goal of being strategic or stating that your function is strategic …

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