Recruiting Tools

Improving Interviews and the Candidate Selection Process (Part 2 of 4)

To improve upon the generally weak results obtained from traditional interviews, consider the suggestions presented here, which revolve around interview planning, preparation, and adding structure to what often is a free-form process. If you don’t like structure, remember that there is plenty of data to support the fact that structure …

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Improving Interviews and the Candidate Selection Process (Part 1 of 4)

Most selection processes cannot accurately predict probability of performance. In most cases, the process relies solely upon three basic elements, and each is a poor predictor of performance. In my previous article series, entitled What’s Wrong With Interviews, I outlined dozens of things wrong with the way most firms approach …

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Valero Case Study — Simplified SLA Example

Staffing Department: Service Level Agreement Customer Commitment: Utilize the Manager Self Service (“MSS”) portal for all staffing resume reviews, request and applicant processing. Work with the recruiter to develop an effective online pre-screen questionnaire, screening processes, and interview strategy. Staffing Commitment: Post job within 48 hours of receiving approved job …

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12 Best Recruiting Practices to Copy

12 Best Practices I Would Emulate Valero's business-case model. Using basic statistical regression models, the recruiting function identified the gaps between what the business would need to continue operations and what talent they could bring in via their current model. They then converted that gap into a dollar impact and …

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How the Best Firms Convince Line Managers to Focus on Recruiting

Getting Managers to Pay Attention The following is a list of the things that world-class recruiting functions do to get line managers to pay attention to recruiting professionals and recruiting issues: Rewards for great recruiting. At the very best organizations, managers are measured and rewarded for great recruiting and for …

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Stop the Recruitspeak: Learn to Talk and Think Like a CEO

Of course, these individuals frequently call themselves "business partners" or strategic individuals. But the fact is that you could tell immediately that they are not like CEOs just by their talk alone. Even though few corporate recruiters have had the opportunity to meet and spend time with their CEO, only …

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The Top 10 Ways to Shock and Awe Your Senior Managers

Let's face it, most of the things done in recruiting are relatively mundane, and as a result, they get little recognition or even acknowledgment by senior management. If you're tired and frustrated with your present situation in recruiting, it's time to step back and realize that, in the eyes of …

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