Recruiting Tools

Develop a Friends Program to Better Sell Your Targeted Talent

A Groundbreaking Program The concept was developed in the late 1990s at Cisco Systems by Michael McNeil, whom I consider to be the father of employment branding and modern marketing-based recruiting. The program is based on the premise that everyone wishes they had “a friend” inside a firm they could …

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Recruiting Strategies — Proximity Recruiting Using a Taco Truck

You Must Do Internet and Physical Recruiting Even with the tremendous growth of Internet recruiting, not everyone is actively surfing the Internet looking for a job or combing through their email in anticipation of your generic form letter introduction. Reaching a greater percentage of the population relevant to your job …

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Recruiting With Little or No Money – Tools and Ideas to Consider

I) Recruiting Tools that Use “Other People’s Time” If you’re short on recruiting funds and on hours in the day, the best approaches to consider are those classified as “OPT” approaches that use employee time and budget resources of other departments: Recruiting at professional events. Ask your firm’s employees to …

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Great Recruiters Correctly Classify Their Prospects

Classify According to Motives Develop a formal process for grouping prospects based on their reasons for looking or not looking for a job. The premise here is that you are currently missing out on some prime prospects. You are also wasting resources on some candidates because you have failed to …

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Using Google Alerts to Support Relationship Recruiting

Using Alerts as a Prospect-Monitoring Service Relationship recruiting can be a powerful form of recruiting, but it is rarely used effectively due to the tremendous amount of effort required to maintain hundreds of associations with prospects spread throughout the world. Many recruiters already accept that the most effective way to …

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