Recruiting Tools

Develop a Who’s Who List of Outside Talent

Whatever you call it, it's a list of the top people working at competitors that is used primarily to expedite recruiting when a need arises. When you establish a names database, you make identifying candidates for job openings easier and quicker because you already know the best people in the …

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HR’s Dirty Little Secret: Nobody Is Reading Resumes

Now through the end of the year, ERE will be re-running some of the most popular articles from 2003. This article was originally published on June 2, 2003. Happy holidays! Many major firms have experienced layoffs or implemented hiring freezes, and unemployment rates have crept higher and higher. Everywhere you …

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Monsters Can Be Ugly: The Problem With Job Boards

I am frequently asked about the use of large job boards as a recruiting source for finding top performers. My answer is always quick and to the point: Don’t use them! Most advanced recruiters smile and quickly agree, while others question my sanity. But the main difference between the supporters …

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Providing a More Positive Candidate Experience, Part 2

Last week, I started to discuss how to provide a more positive candidate experience by introducing ways to discourage marginally qualified and unqualified candidates from applying and to improve the flow of information in the recruiting process. This week, my attention turns to two additional methods that can be addressed …

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Providing a More Positive Candidate Experience

Most job application processes fail miserably when it comes to providing any form of interaction that could pass a standard customer service satisfaction test with a decent score. Unfortunately, this revelation isn’t a new one, nor one that hasn’t been addressed before, yet it continues to be one of the …

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Candidate Abuse And Death By Interview: Some Solutions

As I discussed in Part 1 of this article series last week, candidate abuse during the interview and hiring process is becoming increasingly common, particularly because the economy is bad and jobs are scarce. As a result, companies have gotten arrogant about how they treat candidates. Candidates themselves have become more willing …

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Candidate Abuse and Death By Interview

We frequently read about such things as animal abuse or alcohol abuse. But one of the least talked about forms of abuse that occurs on a daily basis is “candidate abuse” during the interview and hiring process. With the economy slow and jobs scarce, candidate abuse is increasingly common. Companies …

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Outrageous Recruiting Tools, Continued: 17 More Outrageous Approaches!

My last article on outrageous recruiting approaches gathered several new ideas and a great number of comments. The comments came from three basic categories of recruiters: Executive recruiters. Executive recruiters thought that the whole “outrageous recruiting” argument was comical and that the tools proposed were relatively mundane.  Advanced corporate recruiters. Advanced corporate recruiters were …

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