Recruiting Tools

Upcoming Innovations in Recruiting

Rules That Drive Innovation If recruiting doesn't want to be the slowest car in a fast-moving train of innovation, it must adopt a series of "innovation rules" to live by. They include: Don't be complacent. Never be satisfied with the status quo, because any competitive advantage you might have will …

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An Applicant’s Bill Of Rights Will Improve Your Acceptance Rates

Business Reasons for Improving the Applicant Experience There are several reasons why recruiting organizations should focus on improving the way that applicants are treated. Some of them include: Passive candidates demand quality treatment. They are used to it at their current job and they expect the same level of respect …

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An Applicant’s Bill of Rights, Part 2

Additional Applicant's Rights In addition to the potential elements of an applicants Bill of Rights that I provided last week, this part includes: More examples of rights for possible inclusion in your own applicant's Bill of Rights A list of applicant responsibilities and your expectations for any applicant A sample …

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U.S. Army Recruiting Needs Your Help!

After analyzing the U.S. Army's approach to recruiting, I have some suggestions for action steps that it could take to improve their efforts. Maybe the ideas presented below will trigger some ideas of your own. Certainly many of them could also be used to improve recruiting at your own organization. …

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How Does Your Employee Referral Program Stack Up?

Lots of Questions While we have written on this topic extensively, sharing what best practices have been observed, documenting what concepts from other functions can be borrowed to drive a program, and highlighting the firms that for lack of a better phrase kick butt, we are aware that program managers …

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Convincing Reluctant Candidates on the Right Day

Right Days and Wrong Days to Offer Someone a Chance for a New Opportunity Wrong day: Any day during the week before a targeted individual is expected to hear about whether they got their expected promotion. Right day: The day after they were rejected for that promotion. Wrong day: The …

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Convincing Reluctant Candidates on the Right Day, Part 2

The six basic approaches required: Read business papers and magazines. The purpose is to identify when newsworthy companies have positive, negative, or dramatic business events. Watch the weather. Watch the weather channel and read the weather section of the newspaper to identify geographic areas where people are likely to want …

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