Classify According to Motives Develop a formal process for grouping prospects based on their reasons for looking or not looking for a job. The premise here is that you are currently missing out on some prime prospects. You are also wasting resources on some candidates because you have failed to …
Read More »Recruiting Tools
Using Google Alerts to Support Relationship Recruiting
Using Alerts as a Prospect-Monitoring Service Relationship recruiting can be a powerful form of recruiting, but it is rarely used effectively due to the tremendous amount of effort required to maintain hundreds of associations with prospects spread throughout the world. Many recruiters already accept that the most effective way to …
Read More »Referral Cards Can Wow Those You Meet
Tips for Developing Compelling Referral Cards The use of cards in recruiting is a hot topic these days, in part because of the controversy related to a U.S. Army recruiter who placed his recruiting business cards in the pockets of camouflage-style pants at a Target store in South Carolina. Well, …
Read More »Outrageous Recruiting Using Avatars and YouTube
Outrageous Recruiting Becomes More Common In case you haven't heard, some the very best firms in recruiting like Google, Ernst & Young, Microsoft, Bain Consultants, and even the U.S. Army have broken the mold of traditional recruiting. They have gone beyond traditional sources like job boards, newspaper ads, and career …
Read More »Woo Candidates During an Invited Open House
Most career sales professionals have learned that it is easier to sell reluctant customers face-to-face versus remotely via phone calls and emails. As recruiters are essentially professionals selling career opportunities, it makes sense that nearly every recruiting strategy should leverage one or more face-to-face approaches such as an invited open …
Read More »Increasing Offer Acceptance Rates When Your Company Pays Crummy Wages, Part 2 of 2
Things to Do During the Offer Stage The way you design the offer stage of the recruiting process can have a dramatic effect on offer acceptance. Some things to consider include: Offer them a salary re-opener. A salary re-opener three or six months after they start is a powerful tool. …
Read More »Increasing Offer Acceptance Rates When Your Company Pays Crummy Wages, Part 1 of 2
Putting Your Mindset in Check Before you start recruiting, realize that low pay is not as big of a problem as you might think if you know how to take the spotlight off of compensation. There are millions of people who work in poorly paying jobs but are satisfied and …
Read More »Can’t Find Talent You Must Be Kidding!
In Times of Low Unemployment, Your Industry is Your Farm Team Like many, you have probably heard that there is a shortage of talent. This statement would be true if you were managing the macro-level economic engine of a state or country, but luckily, you are not. The plain and …
Read More »55 Low-Cost Ways to Recruit Nurses
While many firms fight a war for talent, that phrase doesn’t adequately describe what goes on in the healthcare industry. For most industries, the war for talent is a temporary condition that will eventually end, but the battle to attract and retain talent in healthcare is a struggle that literally …
Read More »Successfully Marketing Employment Products (Part Two)
Over the course of the last three weeks, we have laid out a model for managing the portfolio of job opportunities an organization produces similar to that used by organizations to manage their product/service portfolio. This model repositions the employment opportunity as a product, one that can be defined, …
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