Recruiting Strategy

Alert For An Exceptional Talent Opportunity… Target Elite Firms That Are Currently Undergoing Layoffs (Job security is becoming a major attraction factor, so why not poach at Twitter?)

Targeting struggling firms allows you to hire exceptional talent that now seeks greater job security. Yes, during a time when talent opportunities have been quite rare, there is suddenly a recruiting opportunity that shouldn’t be missed. This opportunity now exists because a significant number of elite but temporarily struggling firms, …

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Improve Your Recruiting Results Using These Best Practices From Top Firms (Covering employees as references, impactful fonts, and candidate interview warm-ups)

In this monthly piece, Dr. Sullivan highlights 3 best practices that reveal the future of recruiting. The Benefits Of Adopting Best Practices From Other Firms The best way to rapidly improve your recruiting results involves borrowing and tweaking the best practices from other leading recruiting functions to fit your situation. …

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Candidate Exit Interviews – Getting Feedback From Your Recruiting Customers (The #2 barrier to recruiting excellence)

The two dumbest things in recruiting are not soliciting candidate feedback and not assessing new-hire performance (a.k.a. quality of hire).  Unfortunately, most in recruiting are not even aware of the practice of “candidate exit interviews,” soliciting new hires and candidate feedback after completing each hiring process. Unfortunately, gathering exit interview …

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