Recruiting Strategy

Warning – ChatGPT Generated Content Is Already Fooling Your Recruiters (Stop the deception when recruiting candidates use AI-generated content)

Note: You’re being fooled by well-written AI-generated resumes, cover letters, and interview answers. Yes, within two and one-half months, many candidates have learned that they can dramatically improve their chances of getting interviewed and hired by using information generated with AI-driven ChatGPT. If you’re not familiar with it, ChatGPT is …

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Recruiting During 2023 – The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

Even the most optimistic need to prepare for another difficult year in recruiting. So, if you’re the Pollyanna type who only wants to hear positive news, I suggest that you immediately stop reading. Because from a recruiting perspective, 2023 is likely to be even worse than the last two years …

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December 2022 – A Unique Recruiting Opportunity That Can’t Be Missed (The right time in recruiting makes all the difference)

Don’t relax, because recruiting this December provides quality candidates and record-low competition. Yes, recruiting “at the right time” is a seldom-used strategic advantage among recruiting leaders. For example, most recruiters and hiring managers routinely “take the end-of-the-year holidays off.” First because they are exhausted. But also because they mistakenly assume …

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