Recruiting Strategy

Hiring To Hurt: How It’s Done (Part 2)

As we saw in Part 1 of this two-part article series, many HR professionals in general ó and recruiters in particular ó act as though they are isolated from the competitive battlefield of business. All too often they act like socialists instead of capitalists. But fierce competitors hire away a competitor’s talent: …

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Hire To Hurt: A High-Impact Recruiting Strategy

The world of business is highly competitive. Firms frequently introduce new products or run attack ads with the specific intention to hurt their direct competitors. It’s not unusual for managers to undertake deliberate actions to steal customers, force competitors to lower their prices, or even to capture prime retail locations. …

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The Search for the Perfect Candidate

Recruiters are no different than most people; they gravitate toward what is easy. In sourcing, that means settling for “active” candidates. But what they should be doing is seeking out the most difficult candidates to source&nbsp:ó currently employed top performers, most of whom are not actively looking for a new …

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New-Hire Questionnaire for Improving Recruiting

Many managers think that recruiting stops after you hire someone. But smart managers know that the best way to ensure that you always hire great people is to continually improve your recruiting process. One way to improve the process is to gather information from those that have just gone through …

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Radio: Try the Most Targeted Recruiting Tool

Okay, before you instantly think, “John’s nuts!” stop and think about radio for a minute. Don’t you personally listen to it several times a day, perhaps in your car, in places where you are a “captive” audience? Some of the most under-used tools in recruiting involve the media. Nearly every …

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Understanding Differentiation in Recruiting

Your organization’s success in the future will depend more and more upon getting the right people in the right seats to drive it. To accomplish this, corporate recruiters and hiring managers will need to become steeped in the art of differentiation. Unfortunately, few organizations have mastered this art from a …

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Using News Updates to Encourage Stakeholders to Help You Recruit

While the methods of recruiting have changed somewhat with the times, the critical challenges that most recruiters face have not. We still struggle to find enough time to get everything that needs to get done finished; we still deal with misperceptions by others regarding what it is we actually do; …

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Outrageous Recruiting Tools, Continued: 17 More Outrageous Approaches!

My last article on outrageous recruiting approaches gathered several new ideas and a great number of comments. The comments came from three basic categories of recruiters: Executive recruiters. Executive recruiters thought that the whole “outrageous recruiting” argument was comical and that the tools proposed were relatively mundane.  Advanced corporate recruiters. Advanced corporate recruiters were …

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Diversity Recruiting Metrics

Almost everyone supports diversity recruiting efforts. They are taken as “givens” in most corporate HR departments. But these efforts might actually gain even more resources and respect if recruiters went the extra mile to prove their business impact through the use of metrics. What metrics should you use? I recommend …

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Make Your CEO Your Chief Recruiter

Take a step back and ask yourself this question: Who is the most powerful and well-known person with the most contacts and resources in your company? The answer of course is your CEO. Now ask yourself, what have I done to make the most powerful and well-known person in the …

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