Search Results for: quality of hire

Are You A Dinosaur Recruiter?

(A checklist to help you assess whether you are ready for 21st century recruiting) The world of recruiting has changed dramatically over the last few years. Technology, low unemployment, globalization and other factors have turned the recruiting world upside down. Unfortunately many recruiters haven’t changed at all. Here is a checklist …

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Experience – It “Ain’t What It Used To Be”

(It’s time to kill the sacred cow of “job experience” in recruiting) Warning – This article will make you think…read on with caution! Recruiters often complain there is a shortage of qualified candidates but a good portion of the “shortage” comes from an over reliance on the number of years of …

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Resumes Stink, Start Asking For A Portfolio

Recruiters have been “placing ads and reading resumes” for decades. As an HR professor I get to review hundreds of resumes and I never have understood why any HR professional would rely on it as an accurate source of information about a candidate. If you really want to find out …

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Selecting Your Employment Strategy

Imagine the head of the function that has one of the most strategic impacts on the business not even having a name for their own business strategy? Many employment functions operate strictly on a day-by-day ad hoc basis. As a result recruiters and managers often do not know the focus …

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Selecting Your Employment Strategy: Possible Suggestions

Imagine the head of the function that has one of the most strategic impacts on the business not even having a name for their own business strategy? Many employment functions operate strictly on day-by-day ad hoc basis. As a result recruiters and managers often do not know the focus or …

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