Search Results for: quality of hire

Updating Your Employee Referral Program – ERE Community Q&A

ERE Community Q&A The questions proposed during the webinar covered a great many aspects of operating an employee referral program including: World-Class Program Design and Features Program Reward/Bonus Trends Diversity Impact Using Technology to Support the Employee Referral Program Specific Program Mentioned During the Webinar Questions on Program Design and …

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Recruiting With Little or No Money – Tools and Ideas to Consider

I) Recruiting Tools that Use “Other People’s Time” If you’re short on recruiting funds and on hours in the day, the best approaches to consider are those classified as “OPT” approaches that use employee time and budget resources of other departments: Recruiting at professional events. Ask your firm’s employees to …

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The Current State of Ill Preparedness in HR

We have all experienced irrational thinking and are all guilty of doing it from time to time, but as we prepare to move into a new year there is no greater threat facing global companies than irrational thinking in the HR function.  Like many of you, we tend to contemplate …

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Assess Your Employment Brand Using an Audit Checklist

One of the hottest topics in talent management today is employment branding, in part because applicants rank brand as the second most influential factor when deciding whether to accept an offer. Just five years ago, less than 1:10 Fortune 200 companies had a dedicated role to manage the employment brand, …

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Understanding the Changing Economics of the Talent Marketplace

CHANGES IN THE BUSINESS WORLD THAT IMPACT TALENT NEEDS There have been several changes in the business environment in the last few years that fundamentally altered the way in which firms compete. In fact, what has happened is that "change" itself has changed. Today the business environment is changing faster …

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The 20 Principles of Strategic Recruiting

Corporate recruiting is an interesting field. There are no books entitled The Theory of Recruiting or Principles of Strategic Recruiting. As a result, most individuals in recruiting tend to make it up as they go rather than follow a more defined set of rules or principles. There is no formal body in recruiting that …

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Don’t Buy the Company…Recruit Its Employees Instead

Microsoft has a clever strategy to recruit away Yahoo! employees. For the most part, Microsoft has successfully relied on its strong employment brand and near-boundless opportunities to attract the best and brightest as opposed to seeking them out. That is, until recently, when Microsoft raised the level of its recruiting …

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Using a Contingent Workforce Strategy to Avoid Layoffs

When economic times are volatile and businesses are facing a downturn in revenue, many CFOs turn their attention to cost-containment. A logical place to start cutting costs is labor, given that in many industries labor costs account for an average of 60% of all variable costs. The volatility in the …

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