Recruiting Strategy

The 20 Principles of Strategic Recruiting

Corporate recruiting is an interesting field. There are no books entitled The Theory of Recruiting or Principles of Strategic Recruiting. As a result, most individuals in recruiting tend to make it up as they go rather than follow a more defined set of rules or principles. There is no formal body in recruiting that …

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Don’t Buy the Company…Recruit Its Employees Instead

Microsoft has a clever strategy to recruit away Yahoo! employees. For the most part, Microsoft has successfully relied on its strong employment brand and near-boundless opportunities to attract the best and brightest as opposed to seeking them out. That is, until recently, when Microsoft raised the level of its recruiting …

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Speed Interviewing: Lessons Learned From Speed Dating

The basic process of interviewing candidates for open positions hasn’t changed very much in the last century, despite radical changes in how people socialize and interact both in and out of the workplace. Traditional interviews continue even though no one enjoys them! There is little argument that traditional interviews are …

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Corporate Recruiting: Action Steps During a Recession

Anyone who has worked in corporate recruiting for any period realizes they work in a profession that has dramatic up-and-down cycles. Unfortunately, the down cycles following rapid growth tend to be the harshest. Who can forget the literal “implosion” of world-class recruiting functions like those at Cisco, Nortel, and Trilogy …

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Best Practices in Recruiting: 2008 ERE Award Winners

One of the challenges in the fast-moving profession of recruiting is how to keep up with the latest evolutions in best practices at the best firms. Fortunately, it’s a little easier to learn about the emerging benchmark best practices as a result of ERE Media’s Recruiting Excellence Awards, which honor …

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Establishing Applicant Expectations Upfront

An Ever-Expanding Chasm In a book entitled The Support Economy, the authors write: "People have changed more than the business organizations upon which they depend. The last 50 years have seen the rise of a new breed of individuals, yet corporations continue to operate according to logic invented at the …

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Get Paid To Sell Your Boss: More Outrageous Recruiting

Without a doubt, one of the worst things people have to endure sometime during their career is the pain of working under a horrible boss. Up until now, as an employee under the thumb of a horrible manager, there was little you could do to rid yourself of their tyranny. …

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