Dr John Sullivan

Dr John Sullivan is an internationally known HR thought-leader from the Silicon Valley who specializes in providing bold and high business impact; strategic Talent Management solutions to large corporations.

Hire A “Warrior” Recruiter? Not? Bambi?

I?m helping someone hire a contract recruiter in the communications technology field and I was asked what they should look for in a great recruiter. Here is my response. If you believe that there is a war for talent it’s only logical that you would hire someone with a “warrior? …

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Sourcing Tools For Ordinary Managers

Many sourcing tools are centralized and depend on resources from the corporate level. However supervisors and line managers need to be able to identify candidates also. Here is a list of sourcing tools that are simple, effective and can be carried out by most managers without much (or any) corporate …

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Top 10 Most Effective Recruiting Tools

Recruiting is one of the least scientific of all business functions. Very few recruiting departments take that time to track which recruiting tools are the most effective. Some that are used frequently (like many newspaper ads) often produce mediocre hires, while other recruiting tools consistently work at finding top performers …

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The Tenets Of 21st Century Recruiting

If you are going to be world class in recruiting you need to meet the following: Employment must be able to prove the real value of a great hire and the cost of a bad one in dollars and productivity. We must do all hiring and employment with the single …

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Finding Names The Easy Way – Cards In A Bowl

When 97%of the people in an area are working, the only way to get new talent for your firm is to ?poach/ steal? them from another firm. Now if this makes you nervous? get over it! With a 3% unemployment rate the best talent will be gainfully employed. Your job …

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Is it time to Fire your Director of Employment?

Imagine the head of the function that has one of the most strategic impacts on the business (Employment) not even having (or communicating) a business strategy. Go ahead and ask them "What is the name of our employment strategy?" Ask several non-HR managers the same question and if (when) you get blank looks-read on.

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Don’t Hire Them… Hire Their References!

It is interesting that a large majority of all U.S. firms use reference checks as a final screen for their applicants. However, few have any data to prove that applicants who get high scores from references outperform those applicants who get lower scores. Reference checks, may actually screen out bold …

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