The Tenets Of 21st Century Recruiting

If you are going to be world class in recruiting you need to meet the following:

  1. Employment must be able to prove the real value of a great hire and the cost of a bad one in dollars and productivity.
  2. We must do all hiring and employment with the single goal of gaining a competitive advantage.
  3. All employment strategies must be shifted to a ?all recruiting is marketing? focus.
  4. We no longer rely on coincidence hiring (requiring an open req in order to recruit or hire top talent). Top candidates in top positions are hired as they are found.
  5. Continuous relationship recruiting is our primary recruiting tool. It helps our managers learn and keep in touch with what is happening in the business world. It may also sales and brand image. It allows us to have a continuous stream of talent available as well as giving us the opportunity to assess people?s talents over time.
  6. Managers and recruiters are rewarded for great attraction, retention.
  7. Our total focus is on looking for employed people that are relatively content in their job and are top performers.
  8. Recruiting is coordinated with sales, marketing, PR/ image and learning.
  9. Speed is the crucial advantage because the best will not be on the market for more than a few days.
  10. Finding the names of the best is everyone?s job?all departments must build their own who?s who name database! We must stop hiring ?strangers? and start hiring people that we have build a relationship with.
  11. E-recruiting and technology must be king (paper and ?rules? are ?killers? of great recruiting).
  12. Employment must be capable of ?remote? recruiting (people we hardly ever / never see).
  13. Employment systems must be global and available 24 hours a day.
  14. Globalization requires one size fits employment programs that gives local managers some control over their practices.
  15. Managers, jobs, candidates and needs must be prioritized and aligned with our business needs. All jobs will not be treated equally.
  16. Developing a ?great place to work? brand will be a top priority.
  17. The quality (performance) of the hire is the main employment metric.
  18. Assessment must be improved so that it can occur remotely and over time.
  19. Assessment must include (focus) actual job problems and situations as well as future problems assessment.
  20. People must be assessed based on ?this job? and ?their next job? if we are to continually improve.
  21. Because recruiting also builds sales and brand image customer service must be superb.
  22. Every thing will have performance metrics (and rewards).
  23. Because they are passive job seekers we will find candidates without their help. Usually they will not know that they are being recruited (stealth recruiting).
  24. Because ?C? level managers never hire ?A? level employees we need to screen out low performing managers.
  25. All employment staff must be ?executive search? types (with marketing skills) that aggressively demand excellence.
  26. The firm must have ?WOW? practices and / or products to get others to talk about us (in order to ?self-attract? the best candidates.

About Dr John Sullivan

Dr John Sullivan is an internationally known HR thought-leader from the Silicon Valley who specializes in providing bold and high business impact; strategic Talent Management solutions to large corporations.

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