Without a doubt, one of the worst things people have to endure sometime during their career is the pain of working under a horrible boss. Up until now, as an employee under the thumb of a horrible manager, there was little you could do to rid yourself of their tyranny. …
Read More »Dr John Sullivan
A Talent Opportunity Alert Process: You Should Have One
One of the most common questions I get from recruiting managers and executives is “What differentiates a world-class recruiting function from an average one?” Well, in case you didn’t know, one of the primary differentiators is the practice of “proactive recruiting.” It’s possible to categorize corporate recruiting activities into …
Read More »Effective Approaches for Attracting Competitors’ Employees to Your Firm
As the global war for talent continues to manifest itself in an ever-increasing manner of ways, a nasty practice left over from an era long ago continues to handcuff recruiting organizations around the world. The practice we speak of is the gentlemen’s agreement made between two organizations not to poach …
Read More »Aggressive Talent Poaching in Bathrooms and Parking Lots
Ever since the unsolicited offer by Microsoft to buy Yahoo, recruiters have been literally “circling” Yahoo in a manner that would have to be labeled as aggressive even by Silicon Valley standards. The tactics vary from the relatively tame practice of “cold calling” into Yahoo in order to find nervous …
Read More »Top Places to Work Lists Are Valuable for both Branding and Poaching!
It’s official. Google is the #1 Best Place to Work in America according to Fortune Magazine. If you haven’t yet read this issue of Fortune, you should. It’s a powerful listing of what can be done by corporations in order to make their workplaces more exciting. It’s also important to realize that …
Read More »Positioning the Strategic Role of Recruiters in Volatile Economic Times
The U.S. economy is like a sprinter trying his best to run a long-distance race. It takes off at full speed until it burns up its resources and has to slow down while it recovers, only to take off again shortly thereafter. Time and time again, companies in the U.S. …
Read More »Does Dr. John Sullivan charge an honorarium to speak?
Yes, Dr. John Sullivan does charge an honorarium to develop and deliver presentations to both public and private audiences. As evangelism of HR best practices is a primary element of Dr. John Sullivan's mission, we work with all organizations to find a suitable honorarium that makes Dr. Sullivan's participation possible. …
Read More »Great Recruiters Correctly Classify Their Prospects
Classify According to Motives Develop a formal process for grouping prospects based on their reasons for looking or not looking for a job. The premise here is that you are currently missing out on some prime prospects. You are also wasting resources on some candidates because you have failed to …
Read More »What Is Your Google Rep? Managing Your Online Brand
Product Brands This is the reputation or image afforded a product by potential consumers of that product. Examples include Scotch Tape and Post-it Notes. Both are well-known products despite the fact that few people know who makes them (3M). Organizational Brands This group of brands represents the image afforded to …
Read More »Using Google Alerts to Support Relationship Recruiting
Using Alerts as a Prospect-Monitoring Service Relationship recruiting can be a powerful form of recruiting, but it is rarely used effectively due to the tremendous amount of effort required to maintain hundreds of associations with prospects spread throughout the world. Many recruiters already accept that the most effective way to …
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