Search Results for: quality of hire

Candidate Abuse And Death By Interview: Some Solutions

As I discussed in Part 1 of this article series last week, candidate abuse during the interview and hiring process is becoming increasingly common, particularly because the economy is bad and jobs are scarce. As a result, companies have gotten arrogant about how they treat candidates. Candidates themselves have become more willing …

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Candidate Abuse and Death By Interview

We frequently read about such things as animal abuse or alcohol abuse. But one of the least talked about forms of abuse that occurs on a daily basis is “candidate abuse” during the interview and hiring process. With the economy slow and jobs scarce, candidate abuse is increasingly common. Companies …

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Google Sourcing: How Famous Are You?

Everyone knows that Google is one of the most popular search engines for finding information. It’s quick, accurate ó and thankfully, it’s free. But only a few savvy recruiters know that Google may also be one of the easiest to use tools on the planet for both finding and assessing top professionals. …

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14 Outrageous Recruiting Approaches: Try One, You Might Like It!

Let’s face it, recruiters are a conservative lot. When it comes to selecting tools and strategies, they rely primarily on the tried-and-true conservative approach. During my many conversations with companies, salespeople, and especially executive recruiters, I have found that there are many exceptional recruiting and selling practices that are currently …

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Why Metrics Are Essential for Success in Recruiting

In a highly competitive world dominated by CFOs who want to cut your budget, it is no longer optional to demonstrate your value. Everyone is accountable! If you are in a situation where “charm” has run out as an option, then it’s probably time to consider switching to metrics in …

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Why Don’t Directors of Recruiting Become VPs of HR?

Have you ever noticed that few directors of recruiting ever get promoted to the VP of HR position at their firms? Is this “glass ceiling” because recruiters are such an independent lot, or does their aggressiveness and results orientation make other HR people too nervous? Is there a roadblock because …

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Identifying Your Recruiting Competition

Most firms miss the boat when it comes to identifying their recruiting competitors. They assume that their competitors for talent are the same companies that they compete against in the product/service area. But that narrow assumption can be a major mistake. Your talent competitors (TC) are your product and service …

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Why Recruiting Needs To Own Workforce Planning

Workforce planning is currently one of the hottest topics on the planet. Unfortunately, most recruiters see workforce planning as something that occurs beyond their scope. But in fact, it could be their ticket to job security during these tough economic times. Here are a few of the many reasons why …

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