Search Results for: quality of hire

Cost of Vacancy Formulas for Recruiting and Retention Managers

Calculating the cost of a vacancy (COV) is a critical activity, one that’s necessary to determine the actual business impact of talent shortages that result from a gap between the time talent is needed and the time required by the recruiting function to supply such talent. As a metric, it …

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The Future Of Recruiting, Part 6: Recruiters Will Change

This is the final installment in a six-part series on the future of recruiting. In the first five parts of this series, I looked at how the recruiting department, the Internet, corporate websites and recruiting metrics all will change in the future. In this last part, I will explore how …

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The Future Of Recruiting, Part 1

In Re-imagine, Tom Peters’ new book, he applauds my insight into the future of HR. The article he used as a blueprint for some of his own projections of the future of business was entitled, “A Walk Through 21st-Century HR.” His comments on that article stirred me to outline here what my …

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Employment Branding: Calculating the Economic Impacts

Employment branding is a powerful recruiting retention and motivation tool. For most successful organizations, great employment branding efforts revolve around these six pillars: Becoming “talked about” in key industry and functional publications   Getting listed in best-places-to-work lists Getting listed on best practice benchmarking lists and in research studies Improving …

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Recruiting Top Performers: It’s Your Job!

This past Friday (March 26, 2004), Lou Adler penned an article for his ER Daily column entitled, Why You Must Hire Top Employees, Not Top Candidates. The title of this article is something akin to an absolute truth in my book. In philosophical terms, an absolute truth is an idea or …

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Offshoring: Reasons For Failure

Offshoring has become a major topic of conversation lately as more and more firms look to leverage the economic benefits of lower labor costs and availability of skilled labor abroad. While politically many see offshoring in slow economic times, when jobs for U.S. workers are scarce, as taboo, for many …

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