Search Results for: quality of hire

Why Workforce Planning Is Hot

Workforce planning is currently one of the hottest topics on the planet?? and with few exceptions, recruiting isn’t. Unfortunately, most recruiters see workforce planning as something that occurs beyond their scope, when in fact it could be their ticket to job security during these tough economic times. Why Is Workforce Planning …

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Improve Your Internal Brand: Don’t Outsource the High-Level Jobs

During tough times, recruiters need to do all they can to improve their internal image among senior managers and budget-cutting CFOs. Unfortunately, most recruiters and recruiting departments miss a great opportunity to build their internal brand when they outsource the recruiting of high-level jobs. Recruiting has it “bass ackwards”! From …

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The Dumbest Things Recruiters Do

I spend a good deal of my time researching the elements of world-class recruiting. As an offshoot of that work, I find a good number of common errors that many recruiters make. Eliminating all these errors won’t make you a world-class recruiter…but it will help you get closer! Question: What do you …

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Are You a “World-Class” Recruiter?

Almost every recruiter I have ever met says, when asked, that they are “the best recruiter in the world.” Salespeople also seem to have the same tendency to brag a little. But if you ever wanted to find out for sure how good you or your recruiters are, now there’s …

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Best Practices in Recruiting: Develop a “Most Wanted” List

As a consultant, I have the opportunity to visit dozens of firms each year, and without a doubt the most frequently asked question is, “What are the best practices in recruiting?” Well, one best practice that always appears near the top of my list is developing a “most wanted” list. …

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Saving Your Butt and “Wowing” Your Managers

If you currently have a job as a recruiter, this is certainly not the time to rest on your laurels. With the downturn in the economy, every VP of HR is entertaining the thought, “Why do I need you?” So if you want to save your butt and be the …

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Put the Right People in the Right Jobs

People who really know recruiting also know that the best way to understand the overall recruiting process is to visualize it as a subset of the common business practices of supply chain management, Six-Sigma quality and customer relationship management (CRM). Recruiting cannot reach its optimal impact, nor can it help …

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Does Your Recruiting Strategy Stink? A Quick Checklist

Recruiting is just like any other important business function. If it doesn’t start with a sound plan and strategy, it is destined to wallow in mediocrity. The head of the function needs to start the strategic planning process realizing that recruiting is just another form of a customer relationship, and …

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Maintaining Morale and Productivity During Layoffs

The uncertainty caused by layoffs can impact both companies and employees in many ways, most of them negative. During large-scale layoffs, morale and productivity can plummet. Even more importantly, it’s common for firms to lose their focus on the customer. If a firm is to avoid the need for future …

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