Search Results for: quality of hire

12 Elements of a Comprehensive Recruiting Strategy

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 In Part 1 of this three-part article series, I defined recruiting strategy and the benefits of having one. Here in Part 2, I highlight the 12 essential elements of a comprehensive recruiting strategy. 1. What are …

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The 17 Dumbest Things In Recruiting

If you utilize any of the approaches mentioned here, feel free to be defensive if you must, but at the very least tolerate my rants for a few minutes (if you have some of your own pet peeves, feel free to send them to [email protected]): Lame corporate employment websites. Probably …

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Recruiting and Talent Management Trends for 2005

17 Hot (and Getting Hotter) Trends in Recruiting and Talent Management An increased emphasis on assessment. After sourcing, assessment is the highest impact area in traditional recruiting. If, for example, you recruited Tiger Woods but rejected him because "he wore that silly Nike cap throughout the interview," you will certainly …

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The Top 10 Ways to Shock and Awe Your Senior Managers

Let's face it, most of the things done in recruiting are relatively mundane, and as a result, they get little recognition or even acknowledgment by senior management. If you're tired and frustrated with your present situation in recruiting, it's time to step back and realize that, in the eyes of …

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Bringing Healthcare Recruiting into the 21st Century

Organizations That Excel While most talent management professionals in healthcare have dedicated hours to coming up with excuses why they can't recruit and retain a sufficient quantity of high-quality staff, other firms have found a way to overcome macro-level obstacles. Some of the benchmark firms to evaluate include: Griffin Hospital …

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Upcoming Innovations in Recruiting

Rules That Drive Innovation If recruiting doesn't want to be the slowest car in a fast-moving train of innovation, it must adopt a series of "innovation rules" to live by. They include: Don't be complacent. Never be satisfied with the status quo, because any competitive advantage you might have will …

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The Best Practices of the Most Aggressive Recruiting Department, Part 2

Structural Elements in the Recruiting Function Internal executive search. The team developed an internal executive search capability to identify, recruit, interview, and assist in the selection of executives, senior management, and other key management positions. The resulting effort saved hundreds of thousands of dollars and produced hires faster — and who …

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Getting Started With Metrics

Make Your Metrics Useful Making metrics useful seems to be where most people get off track. A metric should be telling, regardless of whether it is intended to report performance or diagnose the performance of a process. Unfortunately, many metrics in use today simply don’t tell you anything of value. …

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