Screening & Assessment

The Top 10 Reasons Why Social Media Background Checks Are a Dumb Idea

The latest addition to the modern recruiting process, social media background checks, may be the dumbest element. Unlike most background checks, they don’t verify positive job-related information. Instead, they are used almost exclusively to reject candidates based on a subjective reaction to things that the candidate did while off the …

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How to Screen Out Sexual Harassers During the Hiring Process

As seen on ERE Media, February 5, 2018. Recruiting leaders must realize that they are exposing their firm to “negligent hiring” charges if they fail to do everything possible to prevent the hiring of candidates who later go on to sexually harass. Prevention is key, because once sexual harassment occurs …

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Whiteboard Tests Can Improve Your Hiring Results in Many Jobs

As seen on ERE Media, January 22, 2018. Improve Candidate Assessment by Adding Problem-Focused Whiteboard Tests Let’s look at the data. The current state of hiring and candidate assessment is problematic because research shows that 46 percent of new hires fail in their first 18 months on the job. Because most firms …

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Need More Strategic Thinkers? Here’s How to Hire Them

What firm doesn’t need to be strategic? In fact, what could contribute more to the success of an organization in today’s fast-changing world of business than having a large cadre of strategic thinkers? As a result, CEOs would love to have as many of them as possible at all levels …

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6 Ways to Screen Job Candidates for Strategic Thinking

As seen on Harvard Business Review. Every organization needs strategic thinkers. In a 2013 Management Research Group survey, when executives were asked to select the leadership behaviors that were most critical to their organization’s future success, 97% of the time they chose being strategic. This is because people who are able to …

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