Screening & Assessment

Continuous Employee Background Checks May Now Be Required

What if one of your employees was arrested on an assault weapons threat, but you were unaware because you only check backgrounds at time of hire? How would a young mother employed at your firm react when she finds out that she was working alongside a recently convicted sexual predator? …

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Top 5 Reasons Why LinkedIn Profiles Are Superior to Resumes

A fast and simple way to improve both your speed and quality of hire is to use LinkedIn profiles for your initial candidate screening. They are superior at this first assessment stage because they are more likely to be updated, accurate, and their uniform format makes side-by-side comparisons easier. By …

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Hire Smarter … Based on the Way That a Candidate Solves Problems

Once you realize that most of the work done by professional-level employees involves solving a series of complex problems in a team environment, it makes sense to ensure that you assess a candidate’s problem-solving capability. The smartest recruiters and hiring managers go the next step and focus specifically on how a candidate solves problems.

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Slow Hiring Is Damaging Your Firm and Here Are 20 Reasons Why

Few realize that increasing your hiring speed often has the second-largest impact on hiring results (after referral hires). Most track time to fill, but few recruiting leaders calculate the high correlation between your hiring speed for top talent and their resulting on-the-job performance after they become a new hire. To …

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