Tag Archives: Recruiting

11 Reasons It’s Crucial for Recruiters to Track Quality of Hire

Measuring quality of hire, or measuring the on-the-job performance and the retention rate of new hires, is one of the most strategic moves any recruiting department can make. Having that metric handy allows you to prove the business value of your recruiting team, improve the recruiting process itself, and get …

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The 6 Strategic Recruiting Metrics That Executives Want To See

Stop Flailing, and Finally Understand What Makes a Metric Strategic During the many decades that I have been a metrics expert, I have found that the amount of time recruiting leaders devote to recruitment metrics adds little value to recruiting or to the business. Those frustrating failures can be attributed …

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Diversity Recruiting Fails … When You Lump All Diverse Groups Together

November 9, 2015 | ERE How shifting to “segmented diversity recruiting” will improve your results Recently there has been a high level of scrutiny directed on diversity recruiting. Why? Because executives are increasingly realizing the tremendous revenue impact that comes from having at least the product development, sales, and customer …

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Referrals From Job References — The Simplest And Cheapest Sourcing Tool

November 1, 2015 | ERE Almost everyone in recruiting agrees that employee referrals produce the highest quality of hire (i.e. superior on-the-job performance). But few are aware that the references provided by new hires, with little work, can also provide outstanding referrals. I call them “reference referrals” and both the concept …

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