Tag Archives: hiring

Update Your HR Metrics For The SEC’s Human Capital Reporting Rules

HR SEC reporting rules and how to prepare

The SEC now requires listed firms to report their human capital metrics publicly, so this topic should be our #1 HR issue. However, few in HR seem even to be aware of these new requirements. No less the tremendous impact that these new public reporting requirements will have. Already in effect, the new SEC reporting rules will force HR to focus on identifying, quantifying the impact, and then publicly reporting each of its major human capital initiatives.

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What’s Wrong With Hiring a Gig Workforce? Pretty Much Everything

What's wrong with hiring a contract worker. The gig economy has many issues. Source: Pixabay

The gig economy has become a hot workforce topic. However, despite the hype, the concept has numerous hidden management problems. Recently, executives have been drawn to the concept because of its lower benefits costs, but also for the scalability that a gig workforce provides (with the ability to quickly add …

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Super Bowl Ad to Kick Off Hiring Spree

As see in The Wall Street Journal by Joshua Jamerson (January 31, 2017). “It’s smart to me, though obviously expensive,” said John Sullivan, a professor at San Francisco State University’s college of business who specializes in human-resources strategy. If 84 Lumber’s campaign succeeds, other companies may follow suit, he said. …

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How to Hire the Best Performers

San Francisco State’s John Sullivan says hiring isn’t an art. Rather, it’s a science. John Sullivan talks about the smartest ways to attract and keep the best and brightest. As seen on The Wall Street Journal (June 1, 2016). Building a solid pipeline of talent is critical for any business, …

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