Search Results for: quality of hire

Recruiting Practices That Are, And Deserve To Be Fading Into History

Old recruiting practices going away

There are 8 common recruiting practices that are becoming obsolete, just as newspaper ads and application forms did years ago. Smart recruiting leaders need to be aware that these common practices like fit, salary disclosure, drug testing, and non-competes are already being pushed aside at top companies. This gradual obsolescence …

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Interview Trick – Excite Candidates By Adding A “Feedback Minute”

A minute of positive feedback can instantly make an ordinary interview memorable! Let’s face it, in today’s challenging recruiting marketplace, a critical part of a great candidate experience is each successful recruiter must continually do things that excite the candidate and make their company stand out from all the rest. …

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Update Your HR Metrics For The SEC’s Human Capital Reporting Rules

HR SEC reporting rules and how to prepare

The SEC now requires listed firms to report their human capital metrics publicly, so this topic should be our #1 HR issue. However, few in HR seem even to be aware of these new requirements. No less the tremendous impact that these new public reporting requirements will have. Already in effect, the new SEC reporting rules will force HR to focus on identifying, quantifying the impact, and then publicly reporting each of its major human capital initiatives.

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