HR Strategy

The Many Problems Caused by HR Relationship Building

Note: This is one of a series of “think pieces” that are designed to stimulate your thinking about the future of HR. I have found that “building relationships” can be the #1 factor damaging HR’s internal brand. If HR leaders want to succeed in a data-driven business world, they will …

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Possible Recruiting Impacts From the Coronavirus Scare

The growing fear of the coronavirus requires recruiting leaders to prepare for an increase in discrimination against Asian candidates and to become aware of how far this fear could severely hurt global recruiting and local diversity efforts. Also, expect real travel restrictions and an increased fear of flying to increase …

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Elite Firms Are Investing in These Big-Bet Recruiting Areas

This article is co-written by Michael Cox, a project manager at Dr. John Sullivan & Associates. The Big-Bet Recruiting Trends at the Top 10 Companies It’s a dream of every recruiting executive to accurately predict the future direction of talent acquisition. Unfortunately, current recruiting-trends surveys (like LinkedIn’s annual Global Talent Trends report) …

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Continuous Employee Background Checks May Now Be Required

What if one of your employees was arrested on an assault weapons threat, but you were unaware because you only check backgrounds at time of hire? How would a young mother employed at your firm react when she finds out that she was working alongside a recently convicted sexual predator? …

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Preventing Racial and Other Offensive Slurs In The Workplace

Yes, the political brouhaha related to “the squad” and the President has implications within your workforce. First and for example, the EEOC has found that “go back” type comments are clearly discriminatory within the workplace (even though it may be tolerated in the political environment). Also, because of today’s politically charged environment, …

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Silicon Valley Recruiter’s Association Workshop on 03.20.2019

It’s a well-established business axiom that “it’s better to be prepared than surprised.” It’s also important to be aware that in this increasingly volatile world of recruiting, under almost every likely upcoming scenario, the capabilities held by the type of recruiter that will thrive dramatic shifts and the number of …

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