HR Strategy

Visionaries in Employment

I’m often asked, who are the “visionaries and thought leaders” in employment? In most professions, identifying the leaders is relatively easy. But it?s not that easy in recruiting. I have found after over 30 years in employment that we are a unique profession. Employment has no official “father or mother,” …

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Fire Your Administrative “Bambi” Recruiters

It’s amazing that only one company I know, Cisco, requires rigorous internal recruiter training before a recruiter can start recruiting. Most firms use a “throw them out there and see what happens” approach. If your newly hired recruiter has a background in executive search or sales you are probably OK. …

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Put The Work Where The Talent Is: Part II

When there is a war going on, sometimes the smartest thing to do is to avoid the battle entirely and live where there is relative peace. In a similar light, if you are facing a shortage of talent, consider this strategy: put the work where the talent is already located, …

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Consider Other Firms As Your “Farm Teams”

In baseball, major league teams get much of their talent from “farm teams.” A farm team is a team that they sponsor so that when they developed talent beyond the skill limits of the farm league, the farm team then passes along that talent to the next higher level team. …

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Why Hiring Freezes Are Dumb

One of my pet peeves in HR is the “overuse” of hiring freezes. All too often, senior managers respond to a minor budget crisis by immediately putting on a hiring freeze. In some companies the freeze seems to be a predictable practice that is repeated once or twice a year, …

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Use A Dedicated Hiring Team, Not Individual Managers!

Most hiring decisions are traditionally made by individual managers; however, these are some reasons why hiring is better done by a small permanent hiring team.Why Managers Shouldn’t Do Most Hiring There are numerous reasons why individual managers shouldn’t be doing most of the hiring. They include: “Rustiness.” The limited volume of openings …

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Put the Work Where the Talent Is

A famous thief was once asked, “Why do you rob banks?” He responded simply: “Because that’s where the money is!” Managers need to adopt a similar approach if they want to win the “war for talent.” Managers need to begin to “put the work where the talent is” (or wants …

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New (or revisited) HR Planning Tools

HR people are constantly looking for new tools. Attached is a list of proactive HR planning tools that might help you to improve your companies competitive advantage. Share it with your VP HR.

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