HR Strategy

Steps in Making the Business Case for HR Programs

Human resources functions have always undergone intense scrutiny by executives and financial officers. But lately, HR programs have come under siege by the “cost cutters” in particular. If human resources professionals are to survive and prosper, it is essential that they refocus their efforts on building the business case for …

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Maintaining Morale and Productivity During Layoffs

The uncertainty caused by layoffs can impact both companies and employees in many ways, most of them negative. During large-scale layoffs, morale and productivity can plummet. Even more importantly, it’s common for firms to lose their focus on the customer. If a firm is to avoid the need for future …

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Effective Layoffs: The Quick and Dirty Approach

No one likes to do layoffs. Even under the best circumstances, when layoffs are done over time and with some degree of planning and due diligence, they can be a challenge. As a layoff strategist, I, of course, recommend this more scientific approach. But unfortunately, in the real world, firms …

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Effective Layoffs: Avoiding Layoffs in the First Place

Shifts in the economy are a fact of life. But managers and HR professionals are often forced into recommending layoffs during economic downturns because for months they have procrastinated and put off taking the appropriate preventative measures. As a layoff strategist, I recommend a forward-looking approach aimed at minimizing the …

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Key Steps in Effective Layoffs

Few firms really know how to do layoffs right, and unfortunately, there really aren’t any “how-to” books or seminars on layoffs. But taking the right actions couldn’t be more crucial during this sensitive process, and as a layoff strategist, I recommend a structured approach to ensure this happens. If you’re …

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Effective Layoffs: How and When To Do Them

Layoffs are coming…layoffs are coming. We all know that it’s true, but few firms really want to confront the layoff issue until it’s too late. When they do start, most firms don’t really know how to do them right or when to begin layoff planning. I’m secretly a layoff strategist …

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Don’t Let Terrorism Succeed: Get Back To Work!

It might seem insensitive, given the recent tragic deaths in New York and Washington, but it’s not. If you take a step back and think about it, in a time of war we all need to act like “Rosie the Riveter” and get back to work in order to rebuild …

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How Should HR and Managers React in the Aftermath of Terrorism Events?

Although recent terrorist events may have occurred thousands of miles away from you, there are many potential people-related problems that may still occur at your location. Strategic HR people need to react quickly to business problems and managers need to realize that uncertainty and inaction can actually increase anxiety, so …

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Alternatives to Hiring More People: Tips for Managers

In times of tight budgets and low growth, managers need to think twice before hiring more staff. Hiring people is expensive, time consuming, and even a bit risky if you later find out that you don’t really need more employees. Smart managers consider the alternatives that are available to increase …

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Recruiter Layoffs Are Coming…Are You Prepared?

Any savvy recruiter is well aware of the economic downturn that is facing most industries today. If that downturn has not yet affected your job as a recruiter, let me assure you that soon it will. Where I work in the Silicon Valley, the wave of recruiter layoffs is well …

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