HR Strategy

Building Job Opportunities Capable of Attracting the Talent You Need

Last week we introduced the concept of an employment product manager, an individual who would oversee the development and positioning of employment opportunities using approaches similar to those used by product managers in a products company. This week we will turn our attention to the development of a prototype job …

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New or Revisited HR Planning Tools

Corporate Head count "Fat" Assessment Plan Ever wonder why the decision that we need layoffs seems to come up as a surprise? Why not establish a set of assessment tools that will let you know in advance where head count and overhead costs are excessive. Redeployment / Agility Plans In …

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Action Steps for Handling the Aging Workforce Problem

Upcoming Problems Related to the Aging Workforce The dollar impact of the aging workforce problem will vary significantly with the size and employment brand of the organization, but in large organizations it will most certainly exceed tens of millions of dollars. Some of the key negative impacts you should expect …

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Talent Management Defined: Is It a Buzzword or a Major Breakthrough?

Talent Management Defined Talent management is the integrated process of ensuring that an organization has a continuous supply of highly productive individuals in the right job, at the right time. Rather than a one-time event, talent management is a continuous process that plans talent needs, builds an image to attract …

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Mama, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Recruiters

I find it interesting and troubling at the same time that many corporate recruiters take so much crap from managers. Perhaps they do so in hopes of one day establishing a trusted relationship with them, or perhaps they are just too passive in accepting the lack of responsiveness and rude …

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Recruiting and Talent Management Trends for 2005

17 Hot (and Getting Hotter) Trends in Recruiting and Talent Management An increased emphasis on assessment. After sourcing, assessment is the highest impact area in traditional recruiting. If, for example, you recruited Tiger Woods but rejected him because "he wore that silly Nike cap throughout the interview," you will certainly …

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Are Recruiters Apathetic?

If you have ever wondered why HR professionals continue to be viewed in a negative light in most organizations, the following results might help you figure out the answer: Who's hiring? Some 96% of the firms responding to the survey had plans to hire either new or replacement staff during …

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The Best Practices of the Most Aggressive Recruiting Department, Part 2

Structural Elements in the Recruiting Function Internal executive search. The team developed an internal executive search capability to identify, recruit, interview, and assist in the selection of executives, senior management, and other key management positions. The resulting effort saved hundreds of thousands of dollars and produced hires faster — and who …

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