15 High Value Action Steps… To Elevate Your Employee Referral Program To The Next Level from Dr John Sullivan
Imagine having an efficient and smooth-running employee referral program that produces nearly 50 percent of all of your hires and that ranks No. 1 among all sources in producing quality, top-performing hires.
This employee referral program may also prove to have the fastest time to fill, and surprisingly, one of the lowest cost per hire of any source.
And because your employees do a great deal of the spreading of authentic brand messages, as well as the finding and assessment of prospects, the program has an added side benefit of greatly reducing the sourcing timeframe for your recruiters.
Well, all of these fantastic benefits are easily reachable, provided that your employee referral program is operating at the highest level.
Unfortunately, many referral programs start off operating well, but over time, their results diminish significantly because they haven’t been continually updated.
If your organization is struggling in this competitive recruiting market to find high-quality talent with the right skills, it may be time to revisit your referral program and upgrade to the next level.
Fortunately, Dr. John Sullivan, who we at ERE media consider to be the Father of Employee Referrals, has agreed to share his over two decades of experience on how to raise your employee referral program to the highest level of performance.
In order to keep the session practical, the webinar will focus exclusively on the 15 highest-value action steps that you can take in order to reach the highest level of ERP performance.
Some of the key topics that will be covered during this highly interactive session include:
– How to make a compelling business case as to why executives should invest in upgrading referral programs.
– Action steps that directly increase employee motivation and excitement about the program, which result in an increased volume of referrals.
– How to measure the “quality of hire” from referrals and action steps to improve that quality
– Action steps to minimize low-quality and “they found me” referrals.
– The current benchmark best practices and “next practices” being planned at other firms.
– Leading referral “program killers” and recommended action steps to minimize them.
– How you can integrate your employee referral program with your social media recruiting effort and dramatically increase both the quality and the volume of referrals.
– How the effective use of the mobile platform can dramatically improve results. The goal of this webinar is to provide attendees with a wide variety of practical advice, action steps, and tools that have proven to be effective in raising your ERP to the next level.
Because the webinar will be interactive, participants will be allowed to submit their personal questions at any time. As a result, expect to leave with enough ammunition and effective arguments so that executives will see the ROI and the positive business impacts of the program to the point where they become the strongest supporters of your referral effort.