Tag Archives: Metrics

The 6 Strategic Recruiting Metrics That Executives Want To See

Stop Flailing, and Finally Understand What Makes a Metric Strategic During the many decades that I have been a metrics expert, I have found that the amount of time recruiting leaders devote to recruitment metrics adds little value to recruiting or to the business. Those frustrating failures can be attributed …

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Administering Your Talent Metrics To Ensure Success

By Dr John Sullivan ATC 10 Feb 2015 You can read part one of this article, here. In my article last week, I discussed the top design principles I believe you need if you are to successfully shift to a data-driven decision-making model in Talent Management. Shifting to a data-driven model brings your …

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Strategic HR Metrics for a Global Organization

Why Utilize Metrics? While researching my book "HR Metrics, The World-Class Way," I found that many HR professionals realized a need for more metrics, but lacked the vision to create them. They didn’t have criteria for where to apply metrics or a methodology to figure out which activities it even …

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Measuring the Effectiveness of Outsourcing

What Exactly Is A Metric? Metrics are measures of output or results.  While some managers use “words” to describe results, metrics require the use of numbers to more accurately “describe” output or performance. When they are correctly developed, metrics take away all doubt about what was and was not accomplished …

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CEO Metrics for HR (1st draft): aka – questions from hell.

Don’t let CEOs read this, they might want answers! Most HR measurements miss the boat! Many HR departments say they are a “business partner” but few can provide any real evidence that they are having a strategic business impact. After years of studying CEO expectations of HR I’ve compiled a …

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