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Alternatives to on-site face-to-face interviews

  1. PC to PC Live Video Interviews.
  2. Teleconference Interviews (Company site or 3rd party vendor (Kinkos)).
  3. 3rd Party Assisted Video Taped Interviews (with preset questions).
  4. Video Taped Interviews (candidate designed and mailed to recruiter).
  5. Telephone Interviews.
  6. IVR (Interactive Voice Recognition) Interviews.
  7. Touch-tone (Keypad response Interviews).
  8. Computer assisted Interviews (On line, real time questionnaire with assessment).
  9. E-mail questionnaire Interview.
  10. Web based questionnaire Interviews (real time).
  11. Web based “profiler” assessments (real time).
  12. Fax based questionnaire Interview.
  13. 3rd Party (outsourced) Interviews (someone else’s face).
© October, 1998

As seen on Gately Consulting.

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