Recruiting Strategy

Is it time to Fire your Director of Employment?

Imagine the head of the function that has one of the most strategic impacts on the business (Employment) not even having (or communicating) a business strategy. Go ahead and ask them "What is the name of our employment strategy?" Ask several non-HR managers the same question and if (when) you get blank looks-read on.

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Don’t Hire Them… Hire Their References!

It is interesting that a large majority of all U.S. firms use reference checks as a final screen for their applicants. However, few have any data to prove that applicants who get high scores from references outperform those applicants who get lower scores. Reference checks, may actually screen out bold …

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What Senior Managers Expect from Recruiters

I often find HR people (and recruiters in particular) with an insufficient understanding of the business that they are recruiting for. One of the ways to avoid that pitfall is to talk directly to the senior managers in order to identify their expectations. If you want to get an idea …

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Poaching Tools / Techniques Part 2 of a 2 part series

Recruiters must realize that (unlike in the past, when the “pool” of unemployed people contained some top performers) the current group of unemployed people is short on top talent. Currently the only remaining viable option is to source, raid, or poach top talent from other firms. Unfortunately most recruiting tools …

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Diversity Recruiting — The Compelling Business Case

There are many excellent legal and social arguments for recruiting diverse employees. However the most powerful and effective arguments that I have made for excellence in diversity recruiting relate to the business and the dollar impact that diversity recruiting can have on the bottom line. Does having a workforce with …

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Torture By Resume

Managers hate being presented with a “stack” of resumes. One of any manager’s worst nightmares is when a recruiter drops off a “stack” of resumes to be read “right away.” No matter how well intentioned managers may be, the reality is that they will postpone looking through the stack for …

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Hire Them Both – A Package Deal

In a tight labor market, firms can gain a tremendous competitive advantage by breaking the old rules and acting differently from the average firm. Unfortunately it’s often quite difficult to get conservative HR departments to realize that the recruiting game has changed forever. And if you are going to get …

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