HR Strategy

Talent Management Lessons From the Super Bowl for Corporate Leaders

A couple years back I was asked to outline “the future of talent management” in a talk at Google headquarters. Then as now, I predicted the future of talent management will follow the “professional sports model,” which many of you undoubtedly witnessed during yesterday’s Super Bowl. Some in HR carelessly …

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Calculating the Dollar Costs of a Bad or Weak-performing Employee

Almost every manager, when asked, readily agrees that weak employees underperform average employees by a significant amount. We certainly know from sports teams, where performance is easily measured, that there is a huge performance differential (often double or triple) between the below average, average, and top performers in the same …

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Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions for Strategic Talent Leaders

The New Year is the perfect time to reexamine and refocus your talent efforts. The coming year will see a surge in economic growth, but it will occur in a business environment with continued volatility. Succeeding in this environment will require a new approach. So before all of the activity …

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Speed Doesn’t Kill … Slow Kills Organizations

[I will be discussing this topic with Scott Erker, SVP at DDI’s upcoming Webinar Wednesday January 29, 2014.  Register here: ] You could accurately call me Dr. Speed because I love speed. I don’t mean the speed associated with fast cars, but instead, organizational speed. I really admire large organizations that …

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How the Talent Management Function Can Thrive In a VUCA World

This is part 1 of a series on talent management in a VUCA world. By Dr. John Sullivan As a leader in talent management, you have undoubtedly already noticed over the last decade that there has been continuous volatility and change in the business, political, social, technological, and even the …

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6 Talent Management Lessons From the Silicon Valley

No matter where I travel around the world, people are extremely curious about the unique talent management practices of Silicon Valley. Over my 30+ years of working in the Valley, I have tried to distill the best talent management practices of great firms like Facebook,Google, and Apple (as well as the practices of …

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