Tag Archives: retention

Inflation – Low-Cost Ways To Counter Its Impacts On Recruiting And Retention (Steps for convincing applicants not to worry about low base compensation in their new job)

This action piece… is a scannable list of alternatives to raising employee pay during high inflation.  This article covers a list of compensation selling approaches. They are designed to minimize potential applicants’ fear about whether the compensation in their new job will allow them to maintain their current living standards …

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Predict Each Candidate’s “Time To Turnover” Before Making A Hiring Decision (A checklist of the factors that predict both short and long retention)

With record-high turnover, it pays to predict which finalists will likely become early turnover. Improve Your Hiring Results By Predicting Each Candidate’s “Time To Turnover” Amazingly, some companies predict current employee turnover with a 95% accuracy rate. However, I suggest that it’s time to expand our turnover predictions to the …

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