Search Results for: quality of hire

How Many “Turkeys” Do You Hire? Part 2

In the Part 1 of this article series, I described the high failure rate of most new-hire processes and provided some basic tips on how to improve the assessment process during the interview. In Part 2, I will highlight some more advanced approaches that managers and recruiters can use to improve the …

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How Many “Turkeys” Do You Hire?

No process that involves humans produces perfect results. Even hospitals, with all the quality control systems they implement, still have a measurable failure rate. So it’s no surprise that the traditional selection process that most managers use for selecting and assessing which candidates to hire is no exception. What is …

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Dealing With Bad Hires: The “No-Fault Divorce” Option

According to Jerry Seinfeld, 95% of the population is “undatable.” Even after months and years of “assessment,” nearly 50% of the marriages in California end in divorce. But at most firms, 100% of new hires are assumed to be good hires! Recruiting is at best a hit-or-miss operation. Even the …

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Refusing To Hire “Job Jumpers” Is Silly

If you have been involved with recruiting for more than six months, then you have probably experienced a wide variety of “dumb” things those connected to the process do with regard to screening candidates. From hiring managers who insist upon basing their judgment of candidates’ abilities on the quality of …

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Test Your Systems…You Might Not Hire Back Your Own Employees!

Most employment selection systems are so bad that if you submitted the resumes of your own firm’s top performers, they probably wouldn’t get re-hired. It’s not as unusual as you might think. Most selection systems fail to track their own effectiveness. Now before you get nervous, be aware that checking …

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Test Your Systems…You Might Not Hire Back Your Own Employees!

Most employment selection systems are so bad that if you submitted the resumes of your own firm’s top performers, they probably wouldn’t get re-hired. It’s not as unusual as you might think. Most selection systems fail to track their own effectiveness. Now before you get nervous, be aware that checking …

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Don’t Hire Them… Hire Their References!

It is interesting that a large majority of all U.S. firms use reference checks as a final screen for their applicants. However, few have any data to prove that applicants who get high scores from references outperform those applicants who get lower scores. Reference checks, may actually screen out bold …

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Hire Them Both – A Package Deal

In a tight labor market, firms can gain a tremendous competitive advantage by breaking the old rules and acting differently from the average firm. Unfortunately it’s often quite difficult to get conservative HR departments to realize that the recruiting game has changed forever. And if you are going to get …

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