New ebook available now!
Managers know that retaining top performers is the single most important thing they do. Losing a single high performer can cost millions, but fortunately, 77% of turnover is preventable. One of the most powerful retention tools available is the “stay interview.” Not only is it inexpensive and easy to implement, but conducting a stay interview with your top performers is one of the highest ROI activities that ANY manager can utilize.
This book contains details on how to implement Stay Interviews and a handful of other Powerful Retention Tools, each one has been proven effective in keeping top performers.
You’ll learn:
- Why stay interviews really work, and what makes them superior to other retention tools.
- How to get managers to buy in and utilize stay interviews.
- Common problems to avoid.
- Key action steps to make stay interviews part of your ongoing retention process.
- How to calculate the impact of implementing stay interviews.
- Newsletter subscribers get first access to our brand new ebook!