Workforce Planning

Using Precursors for Workforce Planning

There are three parts of all successful workforce plans. It turns out that the three parts are not all equal, however. The first part, which is the workforce forecast, is the most important. It projects company growth and the corresponding change in our talent needs as a result of that …

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Why Workforce Planning Fails, Part 2

Last week, we took an overview of the eight catastrophic failures that have occurred in workforce planning in the past, looking at the areas where workforce planners had gotten into trouble. This week we’ll take a more detailed look at some very specific reasons why workforce plans fail. I have …

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Before You Try It, Understand Why Workforce Planning Fails

Workforce planning was one of the hottest areas within HR during the 1980s. Now it’s back on top of the hot HR issues list. Why is workforce planning a burning HR issue again? There are four basic driving factors: A shortage of talent. No one wants to go through the rapid …

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Why Recruiting Needs To Own Workforce Planning

Workforce planning is currently one of the hottest topics on the planet. Unfortunately, most recruiters see workforce planning as something that occurs beyond their scope. But in fact, it could be their ticket to job security during these tough economic times. Here are a few of the many reasons why …

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Why Workforce Planning Is Hot

Workforce planning is currently one of the hottest topics on the planet?? and with few exceptions, recruiting isn’t. Unfortunately, most recruiters see workforce planning as something that occurs beyond their scope, when in fact it could be their ticket to job security during these tough economic times. Why Is Workforce Planning …

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Pre-Need Hiring and Workforce Planning

Most employment systems were designed in the “dark ages” when business moved at the “speed of rock.” In the past when people resigned, a requisition was created and after a relatively long lag time, another person was hired. If the new hire required initial training at the time of their …

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Experience – It “Ain’t What It Used To Be”

(It’s time to kill the sacred cow of “job experience” in recruiting) Warning – This article will make you think…read on with caution! Recruiters often complain there is a shortage of qualified candidates but a good portion of the “shortage” comes from an over reliance on the number of years of …

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