Raise Your Credibility With Executives – Dealbreaker Phrases To Avoid (Part 2 of 2)

A Think Piece – a new language for HR, “Speaking With Dollars and Data” and avoiding turnoff phrases.

The goal of this article is to provide direction to HR professionals who want to learn how to impress and build credibility with their executives. By making presentations that include more dollars, data, and numbers. And that completely avoids “dealbreaker words” like “basically.” Because the use of the word basically might instantly damage your credibility by sending the message that you don’t really know the precise number. This second and last part of this article covers the remaining two lists of “dealbreaker phrases” that you must avoid at all costs. If you missed Part 1 of the article, it is posted on my site.

LIST #3 – Phrases… That Show Your Lack Of Data… Limits Trying New Ways

In our fast-moving world, your executives will be instantly concerned when any phrase you use suggests that your lack of data will prohibit or limit updating or trying brand-new approaches and solutions. 

  • We Always Do It This Way Infers… you don’t use data to assess improvement
    In a fast-moving world where environmental, technology, and industry changes are constant. It’s unlikely that a corporation can stay ahead in any area if they continually use the same dated “past practices.” Therefore the use of this “we always do it this way” phrase may cause executives to assume that you’re not constantly critically analyzing the effectiveness of your current approaches. And you likely are not using data to ensure that the results from all past practices increase yearly. Replace it with – “we will continue to use our current practice because our analysis shows that the results from this established practice are improving at 25% above its set target improvement rate each year. And those results are among the top 5% in our industry.”
  • Everyone Does It This Way Suggests… that you primarily only copy others
    Whenever you state that “everyone does it this way.” You may cause your executives to question whether your function only copies the practices of other firms. Therefore, you perhaps unknowingly limit our chances of leading the industry and developing a competitive advantage in this functional area. You can’t be an industry leader without innovation and being the first to develop effective practices. Replace it with – “although we will study benchmark approaches. Our goal is to be constantly first with innovative and new, more effective approaches in every important functional area. Even though currently no one “does it this way.”
  • No, We Already Tried That Suggests… that you prematurely give up on ideas
    With the “we tried that” phrase, you are stating you assume after something didn’t work the first time (perhaps years ago on its first try), this justifies never trying that approach again. This is a mistake because your executives know everything from the Wright Brother’s airplane to the Dyson vacuum. All failed not just on the first but many early tries. So the best approach is to rely on data-driven experiments and repeatedly try all promising new ideas. Replace it with – “after identifying the root causes of its last failure, and lots of subsequent testing to demonstrate “proof of concept.” Our data show that our modified and improved new approach will have an 87% probability of reaching its goals.”
  • We can’t drop it. It’s part of our culture Infers… that our culture can’t change
    Even though maintaining a corporate culture has some value. In our fast-changing world, elements of our corporate culture can’t be exempt from being agile. Instead, data must be used to analyze each cultural element periodically and whenever new data indicates a cultural change is necessary. Decision-makers need to be open to action. Replace it with – “even though this is an established cultural element. Our proactive research produced data that shows that as a result of business changes. It’s now time to consider dropping or modifying that cultural element to improve our business results.”
  • Let’s go for it Suggests… you will try new things without supporting data
    Whenever you state in a cavalier manner, “why not try it.” You reveal that your “go ahead decisions” are partially driven by chance and intuition rather than data and calculated probabilities of success. Replace it with – “with a projected 79% success rate and a likely ROI of 1.5 to 1. The data supports our decision to go ahead with this attempt.”


LIST #4 – Phrases… That Reveal That A Manager Uses Flawed Decision-Making 

This last category of “Dealbreaker Phrases” covers those that reveal that the presenting decision-maker uses a flawed decision-making process. Or they have values and priorities inconsistent with the ones established by their executives. 

  • Wait till we get all of the information Causes… unnecessarily delayed decisions
    Managers that are overly risk averse will try to withhold decisions until they get “perfect information.” Including 100% of the requested information and feedback. Unfortunately, in today’s incredibly fast-moving business world. Waiting for “perfect information” often delays the decision beyond the optimal time when the decision is required. And that delay will be costly if the need for the decision and its probability of success fade because others or the marketplace have long ago made their decision. The required approach for speeding up decisions includes making them when only 80% of the requested information is in hand. Replace it with “because settling for an “80% decision” allows us to make decisions prior to the time the market requires it. We have made 80% of decisions our standard expectation.
  • We’ll Take A VoteSuggests… you are trying to minimize your accountability
    After soliciting feedback, leaders are expected to make tough decisions. However, some executives may judge taking a vote among teammates as a possible negative indication that you as a leader are trying to limit or completely avoid personal accountability. So realize that “letting the majority decide” (or going with the flow) can be a huge mistake that reflects under leadership. Also, be aware that in the many cases where some team members have a great deal of high-level information and expertise while others have very little. A majority vote (where all team members are equal) may actually be damaging when some team members automatically vote for their personal interests (regardless of the facts). Replace it with – “when there is an expertise differential, our practice is only to let those with the highest level of expertise influence the final decision.”
  • But we might get sued Because… many lawsuit suggestions are a delay tactic
    Even though HR is a compliance function, few in HR actually have a law degree. In addition, few HR departments have a risk analysis team that can estimate the probability of both being sued and losing, as well as the likely costs. So when an HR leader proclaims, “but we might get sued,” or “that might be illegal” without data and written legal advice. Executives can view this threat as little more than an excuse (or delaying tactic) by the leader to stop something they don’t support. Replace it with – “our compliance risk data reveals that there is only a .05 chance of legal action. And then even with a 55% chance of a loss, the potential costs would not exceed $250,000″ (less than 1% of our yearly revenue). So both inside and outside legal assessments recommend that we don’t hesitate.”
  • I apologize Means… you likely haven’t developed actions for ending this issue
    Although, some may appreciate personal apologies. Unfortunately, too often, accepting one ends all attention on the issue. So instead, many executives want to hear that you have used data to develop action steps. And when implemented, they will assure that the issue/problem doesn’t recur. Replace it with – “I identified all of the issue’s critical success and failure factors. And based on those factors. Here are the actions that I will take to ensure that this problem will have a less than 1% chance of happening again in the future.”
  • We put people first Suggests… a human bias will limit technology alternatives
    Because we are people ourselves, we often support “our kind” by letting our preference for human employees overly influence our “who does the work” decisions. And because there are so many effective technology substitutes for human labor these days. I can do the work better, faster, cheaper, and with fewer safety risks. Many more objective executives view this HR bias “toward hiring employees” as a serious and growing problem. And you will find many to be intolerant when you don’t present data showing that you proactively assessed every human and technology option for doing new work. Replace it with – “in every case; HR will gather data to determine objectively whether people or technology should be used to do needed work.”
  • I focus on costs and efficiency Suggests… you don’t focus on business impacts
    I find that overhead professionals, like those in HR,” are exclusively focused on reducing costs. Although inefficiency is never a good thing, it might not be a strategic approach because, in most cases, the total HR costs are usually less than 1% of the total budget. And because executives are laser-focused on quantified business and revenue impacts. They may act negatively if you don’t spend a majority of your time on increasing business impacts rather than doing things faster and more efficiently. Replace it with – “we strategically focus on business impacts. Here (verified by the CFO) are the dollar impacts of HR programs on our sales, product development, and customer service results.”
  • I watch my team like a hawk   Suggests… damaging micromanagement
    I have found that the most damaging management approach in a collaborative team environment is micromanaging the employees. It frustrates and limits the growth and learning of each teammate. And for innovators, micromanagement is a prime cause of turnover. Replace it with – “to maximize innovation and have our employees learn from their mistakes. I set goals and expectations for each employee. And then I mostly manage from a distance, relying primarily on a few pre-agreed upon performance and results metrics.”
If you can only do one thing – start small by making a personal commitment to stop forever using at least the top three “Dealbreaker Phrases” (to tell the truth, I’ll try my best, and I believe). And then to ensure that mentioning them will no longer occur. Use your phone to record all of your practice sessions and your actual presentation. And then, use this list of “Dealbreaker Phrases” to identify and fix any additional areas where nonstrategic word usage could hurt you during future presentations. 

Strategic Business Phrases To Add That Might Excite Your Executives 

Some of the strategic phrases that, unfortunately, are used primarily by executives. These should be added to your vocabulary and are listed below in the table. 

Business caseROIBusiness model
Competitive advantageStrategic goalsAlgorithms
Hypothesis testingIf-then scenario planningSplit sample testing
Performance differentialFailure analysisPrescriptive metrics
Global mindsetPrioritizationShareholder value

And finally, at the same time. HR professionals need to avoid using our own “HR speak” because it befuddles many executives.

Final Thoughts

Obviously, when you want to ensure that you effectively influence and sell any group. It’s a good idea to completely research the language and phrases that leaders in that group frequently use. Unfortunately, after two years of research, I am now revealing to you the most damaging “Dealbreaker Phrases” that can turn off executives. And I have added explanations to each phrase so that you’ll know why each phrase can be damaging.

So, in addition to dressing and acting like an executive. If you want a fast-moving career both inside and outside of HR. You must, early in your career, learn how to “talk strategically” at a level well above your current pay grade. In part because executives will never lose focus during presentations by administrative professionals if they don’t mistakenly slip in a single ugly deal-breaking phrase. HR professionals should also know that the phrases will, if remembered, continue to hurt during future presentations. And the use of these phrases will also hurt you during promotional and new job interviews. 

Note if you wish to add your own dealbreaker phrases to my list – you can do that by adding the phrase as a comment following this posted article on Dr. Sullivan’s LinkedIn page.

Author’s Note 

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About Dr John Sullivan

Dr John Sullivan is an internationally known HR thought-leader from the Silicon Valley who specializes in providing bold and high business impact; strategic Talent Management solutions to large corporations.

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