The Changing Nature of Tech Recruitment

As seen on Pierpoint on September 12, 2017, by Alex Walker.

Writing at 1 – Page Blog,  Dr. John Sullivan says the “avalanche of next-generation trends” in recruitment can quickly render recruiters skill sets outdated.

Artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and predictive analytics are some of those next-generation trends, and recruiters need to be up-to-date on what those technologies are. An inquiring and receptive mind will be an asset.

Sullivan provides some tips for recruiters in an increasingly technical and specialized workforce:

  • Don’t become a dinosaur. Skill up or become extinct.
  • Sell, don’t source. Candidates are easy to find online. The job now is selling tech talent to companies with very specific and rigid demands.
  • Be driven by data. Recruiters who don’t know how to use data won’t be able to progress in the changing industry.
  • Keep learning. Adopt the mindset that assumes your skill set will be outdated within two years. Find places to keep learning. Check out tech blogs, websites, and forums.

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To read full article click here.

About Dr John Sullivan

Dr John Sullivan is an internationally known HR thought-leader from the Silicon Valley who specializes in providing bold and high business impact; strategic Talent Management solutions to large corporations.

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