Your Firms’ Web Page Stinks! (Here Are Some Ideas on How To Assessing Your Firms’ Career/Jobs Page)

Use this check list to assess whether your jobs web page is up to current (and future) standards! Don’t be surprised when it fails the test because most web pages are just “paper” ads that have been reproduced on the web. Emerging web pages will differ dramatically from current ones. Look toward the future if you expect to be world class and to beat the competition! GOALS OF A COMPANY’S JOBS PAGE:

    1. Gets qualified people to visit


  1. Gets non-job seekers to visit regularly
  2. Easy to use and navigate through
  3. Gets job seekers to visit regularly
  4. Educates and excites visitors about the job/company/ culture
  5. It is unique enough to get written up in the media and to win awards
  6. Gets qualified people to provide us with basic information about them
  7. Builds our brand (product and employment)
  8. Builds a longer term relationship with top performers
  9. Gets qualified people to apply
  10. Discourages the unqualified
  11. Focuses on top performers and key jobs
  12. At least partially assesses the candidate
  13. Hires top performers fast
  14. Gets others to refer their friends


  1. Focused only on “active” job seekers
  2. No features to cause “someday you will work here” people to continually visit
  3. One way information flow without instant (mass customized) feedback to the visitor
  4. Are not fun to visit (no WOW’s)
  5. Doesn’t show them that “people like me” work there
  6. No realistic job and culture preview
  7. No (self) assessment tool
  8. Requires a current resume
  9. No Q&A feature
  10. Doesn’t measure satisfaction
  11. No become a “friend” of xyw permission marketing to allow us to continually push information and build a relationship with them
  12. Slow to load, too much text, no easy find/search


  1. Focused only on “active” job seekers
  2. One way information flow without instant (mass customized) feedback to the visitor
  3. It is “the talked about” site
  4. It is responsive to your needs
  5. No features to cause “someday you will work here” people to continually visit
  6. It helps the visitor to get to know the company and its culture (no realistic job and culture preview)
  7. It helps the visitor get to know your manager/team
  8. It helps you know your job
  9. Doesn’t show them that “people like me” work there
  10. Are not fun to visit (no wow’s)
  11. Answer guy site
  12. It unobtrusively gathers information about you (mini application)
  13. Become a “friend” of xyw permission marketing to allow us to continually push information and build a continuous relationship
  14. Requires a current resume
  15. No (self) assessment tool
  16. No Q&A feature
  17. Doesn’t measure satisfaction
  18. Web technology features
  19. Emerging technologies for web pages
  20. Learning and information features for web pages

About Dr John Sullivan

Dr John Sullivan is an internationally known HR thought-leader from the Silicon Valley who specializes in providing bold and high business impact; strategic Talent Management solutions to large corporations.

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