As a Manager – Why You Need to Pay Attention to Recruiting

Print This Out – and Give it to Your Managers The most common recruiting question I get whether consulting or speaking is “How to I get managers to pay attention to recruiting”? Well that answer is worth a million dollars. But today, courtesy of the electronic recruiting daily, you can have the answer for free. Print the following list and distribute it to you managers. You will see results immediately! As a Manager – Why You Need to Pay Attention to Recruiting Business Impacts of Great Hiring:

    1. If you hire a superstar they will produce as much as 2 times more than an average performer


  1. If you hire a top performer they will produce as much as 50% more than an average performer
  2. Hiring has the second highest ROI (after retention) of any people practice. Don’t let others do it for you. Managers must “own” all people processes and problems!
  3. Customers can tell when we hire great people (and poor ones). Vacancies send a message to customers that we don’t care. Great hires increase customer satisfaction
  4. On-time project completion will decrease by as much as 1/3 with key positions vacant
  5. New hires bring new ideas, patents and can energize your team. Great hires increase your capability to expand your business and products. If you are in an industry that needs new ideas hiring new talent fast is essential
  6. Time To Market and product development suffer; the longer you have a vacancy (the cost of a vacancy in a key job is likely to be hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue)
  7. Profits and productivity will go up as the proportion of “great hires” increases
  8. Poor hires increase your error rates and they require additional management time to “fix”
  9. Hiring great people gives you a competitive advantage and means that your competitor can’t hire them!
  10. People decisions are the hardest decisions you will have to make. Developing great hiring practices will help you increase your ability to make these and other decisionsTalent Matters:
  11. Hiring “A” players will attract other “A” players (even in lower level positions). Future recruiting is easy once you have “A” players
  12. Your turnover rate of current employees will go up as they get frustrated and overworked due to team vacancies
  13. Learning how to hire around the globe will increase the quality (performance after hire) of your hires in a tight job market
  14. Training in how to do great hiring (and involving quality recruiters in the hiring process) will increase the quality of your hires by as much as 25%
  15. Offering flexible work options will increase the candidate pool and increase the quality of your hiresSpeed Matters:
  16. If you don’t contact SUPERSTARS within a week you will lose them
  17. Every week you delay the odds of hiring a TOP PERFORMER goes down by 25% (they get other offers and see your indecision as an indication of how you manage)
  18. The quality of the hire goes down when you take more time to make a decision
  19. The earlier you hire them the sooner they can get up to speed (time to productivity)
  20. Managers failing to find time to interview candidates is the #1 reason hiring takes so long
  21. Slow hiring sends a message to applicants that the firm is slow…which may impact your brand image and future sales
  22. You may lose the chance to hire if a hiring freeze occurs during a long hiring process
  23. Slow hiring increases the cost of hiring (out of pocket and management time)Your Reputation and Image:
  24. The reputation of slow or low quality hiring sends a message to top management and other managers that you are weak at “people management”
  25. Recruiting and talking to candidates will increase your learning in other business areas. Recruiting keeps you “in touch” with the market and it will help you understand the needs and wants of your candidates as well as increasing your “sales” ability and your offer acceptance rates
  26. Great hires will increase your likelihood of getting your performance bonus and maybe getting a promotion
  27. Poor hiring will be reflected in your performance appraisal by your manager
  28. Great hiring techniques will decrease complaints and lawsuits which take up a great deal of management time (and take the fun out of it also)Fun and Effort:
  29. Using poor hiring techniques takes just as long as using effective ones and hiring weak performers takes all the fun out of management
  30. If you dislike hiring then stretching it out, like going to the dentist, only prolongs the painMiscellaneous:
  31. Making yourself available during nights and weekends will dramatically increase the quality of your hires because top performers are employed and are often only available then
  32. Spending time with the candidates during the hiring and orientation process can decrease turnover by as much as 20% (meaning you won’t have to go through hiring again very soon)
  33. Slow hiring means that you will lose diversity candidates
  34. If you are replacing an average performer a new hire is likely to increase your over-all productivity
  35. Hiring the right people reinforces our culture
  36. HR people will put less emphasis on your positions as you get the reputation of not taking hiring seriously
  37. Working with HR to “cut out rules & delays” will increase the quality & speed of your hires

*Statistics are from a composite of top performing firms. Hiring Michael Jordan…makes management easy and fun… hiring Dennis Rodman can make your life miserable!

About Dr John Sullivan

Dr John Sullivan is an internationally known HR thought-leader from the Silicon Valley who specializes in providing bold and high business impact; strategic Talent Management solutions to large corporations.

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