Tag Archives: Interviewing

Improve Your Hiring Results… By Increasing Transparency In Your Interview Process

Increase interview transparency to hire better

Unnecessary stress hurts interviewee performance. However, increasing transparency reduces most candidate stress.  Stop Treating Interviewees Like Adversaries By Increasing Interview Transparency Let me be blunt. Most recruiting organizations seem to enjoy making their interviews highly stressful. In fact, throughout recruitment history, job interviews have been highly adversarial and exclusively one-sided. …

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Top 10 Reasons Why Peer Interviews Are The No. 1 Candidate Selling Tool

For some unexplained reason, the sales component of recruiting is often ignored. Few recruiting leaders ever make a scientific assessment of the sales component of recruiting, but if they did, they would instantly become champions of peer interviews. Peer interviews (where a panel of team members conduct a candidate interview) …

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