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One of the tenets of VP of HR is to encourage the widespread sharing of ideas. As a result, as a subscriber you are granted permission and in fact are encouraged to email articles to colleagues and your staff. If accessing the web version via this site, we even provide a link at the bottom of every issue for you to share with a friend. Feel free to reprint articles in your own in-house communications department. The only caveat to this permission is that you must give them proper attribution.
Answering your questions?
Anyone who strives to be a VP of HR can subscribe to this newsletter. Unfortunately we do not have the staff to answer everyone’s questions. I can only accept a limited number of questions that are submitted with the appropriate signature line and email address by actual VP’s of HR at Fortune 500 firms. If you don’t fit in to this category please avoid the temptation of sending us questions.
We do however accept suggestions, comments and criticisms from anyone, as long as you don’t expect a personalized response.